Premium roses from Ecuador
Roses from Ecuador are known for their firm stems and large flowers.
A noble rose that will last longer in the vase.

The queen of roses.
It’s a fact that Ecuador is the best place in the world to grow roses. Its unique geographic location creates the perfect weather conditions.
The result? A breathtaking palette of colours, hundreds of unique varieties, long stems and big buds.
That’s why the Ecuadorian rose is the most requested and praised flower on the international flower market.
Rightly so, the queen of roses.

Have the longest vase life.
Our roses are given ample time to grow big and strong while on the plant. Thanks to its large size, an Ecuadorian rose has much more stamina. The thick stem allows the flower to absorb extra nutrients both on the plant and in the vase.
In addition, after cutting the roses are immediately supported by an optimal nutritional mix.
The result? Beautiful, large roses that have the longest vase life.
Have the longest vase life.
Our roses are given ample time to grow big and strong while on the plant. Thanks to its large size, an Ecuadorian rose has much more stamina. The thick stem allows the flower to absorb extra nutrients both on the plant and in the vase.
In addition, after cutting the roses are immediately supported by an optimal nutritional mix.
The result? Beautiful, large roses that have the longest vase life.

Clear origins from trustworthy sources.
Transparency about where flowers come from is becoming increasingly important – like with many other products.That is why in the documentation of every bunch it states from which grower it came.
We buy independently from different growers, each with a wide range of varieties and the highest standards of quality. Our growers are proud of their roses and it shows. They grow with the greatest passion, with an eye for people and with respect for nature.

Sustainably sourced.
In floriculture, CSR starts with the grower. That is why we only work with growers who are friendly to both people and the environment.
All our growers are certified by Flor Ecuador. Since 2005, this quality mark has stood for a safe and healthy working environment, the use of natural products and the implementation of sustainable processes.
Furthermore, the growers irrigate with collected rainwater and only use the necessary packaging material.
Sustainably sourced.
In floriculture, CSR starts with the grower. That is why we only work with growers who are friendly to both people and the environment.
All our growers are certified by Flor Ecuador. Since 2005, this quality mark has stood for a safe and healthy working environment, the use of natural products and the implementation of sustainable processes.
Furthermore, the growers irrigate with collected rainwater and only use the necessary packaging material.

Environmentally conscious business operations are central to Farm Direct. We believe that every company should contribute to the greener world of tomorrow. That is why we continuously adapt our business operations to improve our sustainability every day.
Do you have any tips? We’d love to hear them. Together towards a better world.
Our growers
We have a wide and diversified network of growers, spread throughout the whole of Ecuador. Our relationships with them play a central role, hence why we’re transparent about all our partnerships to both other growers and customers.
Thanks to this independent and honest position we can always buy the right roses from the right grower at the best price, as every grower is different and has its own specialties.
What all our growers have in common is their certification. As described in our CSR, we only work with growers who are affiliated with Expoflores and who have the Flor Ecuador certification – supported by, among others, Unicef.
Get in touch
We’d love to hear from you. Would you like to know more, find a distributor or become a distribution partner? Send us a message and we’ll contact you within 1 working day. Of course you can also email us at or call us on +31 297 445 006.