Grower in the Spotlight: Meet Jet Fresh, a farm based in Cotopaxi, Ecuador.

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Warm, welcoming and creative. That’s Jet Fresh in a nutshell. Their cash & carry in Miami, full of the most beautiful fresh cut flowers, is a household name in America. They started there in 2008 as a one-stop shop for all wholesale flower needs. Their large range is known for special top brands and rare, hard-to-find items.

Importer, distributor and grower.

Over the years, this family business has grown into an established importer and distributor of fresh cut flowers. In 2018, the role of grower was added, with the acquisition of a rose nursery in Cotopaxi, Ecuador. Jet Fresh Flower Growers, S.A. was born. Ecuador thus became the home of their international sales team, acting as a direct link between the customers and South American growers.

The same goes for Farm Direct. But why did we choose to work with a relatively new grower? In addition to years of wholesale experience, there are three fundamental core values ​​that connect Jet Fresh and Farm Direct: a drive for innovation, social involvement and the focus on long-term relationships.

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Innovation, social involvement and long-term relationships.

The Jet Fresh team regularly visits growers around the world. This helps to discover new varieties and better production processes. In this way they improve their range and the working conditions of their team.

Michael Black, founder of Jet Fresh and a florist at heart, believes in long-term, high-quality and transparency relationships as the best foundation for the industry. This is the only way we can help and grow the floriculture sector. You see and feel this principle in every contact you have with them.

Jet Fresh Ladies

How Jet Fresh is committed to women in Ecuador.

Jet Fresh’s social involvement is visible in several ways. What is very special is how this grower is committed to female employees day in and day out. You can read more about this in this article.

Do you have any questions or comments? We would love to hear from you. Use the form below or go to the contact page.

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