Interplant’s 8 hottest hybrid tea roses in South America.

Hybrid Tea Roses by Interplant Roses

The international rose breeding company Interplant Roses is responding to the growing demand for hybrid tea roses by constantly developing new hybrid tea varieties, suited for all markets and segments. Especially in the region of South America, which has proven perfect for growing hybrid teas, there is a keen market for these varieties, known for their beautiful form, quality and vase life.

What is a hybrid tea rose?

Hybrid tea roses, classified as modern garden roses, are created by cross-breeding (or hybridising) tea roses with hybrid perpetual roses. Hence the name, hybrid tea rose. Originally invented by the French around 1867, hybrid teas are seen as the oldest type of modern garden roses. They are ideally suited as cut flowers. Thanks to their thick and long stems, their big buds and bright colourful blossoms, hybrid teas have grown to be one of the most popular cut rose types worldwide and are now iconic for their form, quality and vaselife.

Interplant responds to growing demand in South America

Especially in the region of South America there is a keen market for hybrid tea roses, as the climatic conditions in that area have proven to be perfect for growing this type of rose variety. Interplant Roses is responding to this growing demand by constantly developing new hybrid tea varieties, suited for all markets and segments. The new hybrid teas are first developed and tested in the Netherlands and Kenya. The new breeds are subsequently sewn and grown in the most suited locations, such as Ecuador, as to reach the full potential of the new rose varieties.

Interplant’s 8 hottest hybrid tea roses in Ecuador

Below the hottest Interplant hybrid tea varieties of the moment in South America.

The Explorer Family 

Hybrid tea rose Explorer®, with its proven vase life of at least twelve days, its deep red, velvety flower head and perfect bud presentation is the ultimate Valentine’s Day rose, however, it’s also very popular on Women’s Day, Mother’s Day and during the Christmas period. VBN Code: 111347. Other members of this® successful family are Royal Explorer® and Hot Explorer®.


Fascination® is a salmon-pink hybrid tea rose with a stem length of 60-70 cm.


Goldfinch® is a new bright yellow hybrid tea rose that conquers the South American market rapidly. It has an excellent vaselife and stemlength from 60-80 cm.

Red Panther

Red Panther® (also pictured in the featured blog banner) is a red-pink bi-coloured hybrid tea rose with an excellent vaselife and stemlenght of 60-80 cm. T


Symbol® is a trendy brown-pink coloured intermediate hybrid tea rose with a stem length of 50-60 cm. VBN Code: 123237.


Gotcha® is a cerise coloured hybrid tea rose with a stem length of 60-80 cm.


Hilux® is a sparkling orange hybrid tea rose with a stemlength from 50-70 cm. VBN Code: 125991.


Brighton®, as the name says it all, is a bright yellow coloured hybrid tea rose with an excellent vaselife and a stem length of 60-70 cm. VBN Code: 121315. Want to know more about Interplant Roses? Read up on or check out our ‘Meet and Greet Interplant Roses’ article.

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